Banking services provided by The Bancorp Bank, N.A. Member FDIC.


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Advisor Financing

Advisor Financing can transform your advisory practice.  

For 20 years, The Bancorp has helped your clients solve their financing needs. Now we have a new offering that is focused on you. The Bancorp Advisor Financing program is designed to meet the distinct needs of registered and independent advisors by providing conventional loans for mergers, acquisitions, debt restructuring and succession planning.

Backed by streamlined application and funding processes, our industry-savvy loan experts can execute timely and effective financing solutions to meet your specific credit needs.

Program Features:

  • Fixed-rate conventional loans  
  • Minimum loan amount: $1,000,000 
  • Terms and amortization up to 10 years 
  • Origination fee can be rolled into financing 
  • Allows for partial-practice sales, tranche sales, and sell-and-remain options 
  • No liens on your home or other personal property required 
  • Flexibility around a seller’s departure from the business 
  • No equity injections required with acceptable loan-to-value ratios